MongoDB - Basic NoSQLs

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SQL Tricks - String Functions

In this post I will go through few of the common string operations available in MySQL database. The examples here uses HR Schema. The post SQL - Structured Query Language has instructions about the schema. Let us get started and look at the functions in detail.

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SQL Tricks - Tree Walking

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SQL Tricks - Finding Duplicates

In today’s post I will be looking into few of the commonly used SQL queries and functions. To demonstrate the queries, we will using PostgreSQL database. In Docker-PostgreSQL, I have outlined the steps to run a PostgreSQL container. You can execute the pg_hr_schema.sql to populate data used in these examples.

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Testing RESTful API

Nowadays in Internet there are a lot of public APIs and most of them are REST APIs. In this post I am going to use SoapUI to test weather service API published by

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RESTful API - Basics

A very minimal overview of REST. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style originally described by Roy Fielding, one of the authors of HTTP 1.0 and 1.1, in a doctoral dissertation at UC Irvine in 2000.

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Agile Testing

The Agile development model is also a type of Incremental model. Software is developed in incremental, rapid cycles. This results in small incremental releases with each release building on previous functionality.

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Docker - MongoDB Up and Running in Minutes

Today, I will show steps to pull a MongoDB docker image and locally running a Mongo database server. I have explained in Docker post the basics and how to configure and run MySQL.

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Docker - PostgreSQL

In this post, I will briefly explain the steps to getup and running PostgreSQL docker image. I have explained in Docker post the basics and how to configure and run MySQL.

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Docker, I am excited!, I am not going to describe what docker is, how it to install it etc. See for details. Docker is mostly used by software developers and system administrators to quickly setup and manage software or environment.

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