Dependency Injection-Angular 2

Dependency Injection

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    Main Building Blocks of Angular2

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      User Centered Design - Testing

      In the last decade Use cases were often used elaborate the requirements, but with Agile, User stories are used as a replacement. Now the trend is changing, the whole fuss is about User Centered Design. In this post I will be throwing out few thought on how Testers should adapt to this paradigm shift.

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      JMeter - Getting started

      What is performance testing?

      Performance testing is used to ensure a good user experience which is fast and error free under any user load by creating the user load and measure the user experience.

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      SoapUI - Asserting data in MongoDB collections

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      MongoDB - Aggregation

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      SOAPUI - Orchestrating multiple MicroService APIs

      Internet of MicroServices is the backbone on which IOT stands. Amazon Echo playing music from your album or Camera uploading the photos you take directly to Google Photos etc.

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      Agile - ISTQB Certification Worthy?

      Will a software testing certification guarantee you a better salary? No. Will it guarantee better job prospects? No. Is earning a certification worth it? Absolutely!, if you are unemployed and have a gap in your career. I recently obtained my Agile Tester Foundation Level. While preparing for it I got an oportunity to get hands on on various new process areas in quality assurance arena.

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      SQL Tricks - Date Functions

      In this post I will go through few of the common date operations available in PostgreSQL database. The examples here uses HR Schema. The post SQL Tricks - Finding Duplicates has instructions about the schema. Let us get started and look at the functions in detail.

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      SQL Tricks - Index

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